Vibha, a leading volunteer-driven non-profit organization dedicated to empowering underprivileged children, hosted an exclusive screening of the documentary “The Audacity to Dream” on May 20, 2024, at the Beverly Hills Library. The event highlighted the urgent need for education reform and featured notable figures in education and social change.
“The Audacity to Dream,” directed by Sharon Angel, chronicles the inspiring journey of Manisha, a young girl from rural South India, who benefits from English literacy program, a Vibha initiative, to pursue her dream. The documentary highlights how access to quality educational opportunities transforms lives, emphasizing the crucial role of education. It sparks conversation on the pressing need for reforms in the American public school system, where two-thirds of children struggle with reading proficiency.
(L-R) Award Winning Journalist Stella Escobedo, Director Sharon Angel, Board Member, Monika Erande(Courtesy of Yassir Habeeb)
Monika Erande, a Vibha Board Member who has actively contributed to education both locally and internationally, was among the panelists and co-hosted the event. Erande’s work aligns with Vibha’s vision of making high-quality public education accessible to underprivileged children; she also said “English serves as a global language, essential for international communication. In the context of India, higher education often takes place in English, making it crucial for children to learn the language to access better educational opportunities.”
Sharon Angel, known for her work as a best-selling author, podcast host, and media executive, aims to drive social change through storytelling. “When Ashwini Kumar told me this story, the CEO of Vibha, I said, I must document this. I must make a film out of this because it’s so relatable. I was born in the same state as Manisha, and if not for the opportunity of education, I would not be where I am. So, I wanted to open that door and tell the story of this little girl who dreams of a successful career and life.”
Sharon emphasized the human right to education and how Vibha, through its initiatives in public schools, provides quality literacy and numeracy programs, including English literacy, boosting the confidence and capabilities of girls like Manisha. Filmed both in India and Los Angeles, the documentary highlights the importance of quality education in public schools. Sharon advocates for educational reforms in the U.S. to equip children with essential skills like communication, crucial for their future careers.
Stella Inger-Escobedo, an Emmy award-winning news anchor and activist, led the panel discussion at the event. With nearly two decades of experience, Inger-Escobedo’s investigative journalism has highlighted critical issues in education, advocating for children and parents alike.
Legal experts Jennifer Sahota and Nileema Gavini from Gavini Law emphasized the intersection of social justice and education, reinforcing the importance of legal advocacy in achieving equitable educational opportunities. Vice Mayor Dr. Sharona Nazarian’s attendance highlighted the local government’s commitment to addressing educational challenges.
Other notable attendees included Shauna Shapiro of Showcase Entertainment and Nalini and Daniel Jokmels of Capstone, demonstrating broad support for educational initiatives for girl children to establish equity and freedom in a modern world.
The documentary screening sparked meaningful discussions among attendees about the transformative power of education and the systemic barriers hindering access to quality education. Vibha hopes that “The Audacity to Dream” will galvanize support for education reform and inspire action towards creating equitable opportunities for all children.
To learn more about Vibha and “The Audacity to Dream” visit the links below:
The Audacity To Dream, Vibha